$6.75 USD

Healthy boundaries based on your core values allows for conscientious and respectful boundary setting for a holiday season YOU decide you want to experience.

Your Core Values (as you'll learn in "Healthy Boundaries Make Happy Holidays") are the non-negotiables around which you place your boundaries. 

This simple 4-module course has revolutionized my client's lives.  It's so simple, yet so profound. When you see (maybe for the first time) what your own non-negotiables are, decisions become clear, and things start to make sense.

Purchase now and receive a 20% off discount (use coupon code "BOUNDARIES" at checkout!


Healthy Boundaries Make Happy Holidays

Make THIS holiday season happy with different expectations, AND joyful anticipation!

Healthy boundaries based on your core values allows for conscientious and respectful boundary setting for a holiday season YOU decide you want to experience.

What you'll get:

  •  The building blocks you need to understand how to build healthy boundaries.

  • An understanding of how to communicate your boundaries to family & friends with grace and ease.

  • A quick roadmap to set your own boundaries for the Holiday Season.

  • 10% off access to the revolutionary course "Uncovering Your Core Values: Live in Alignment With Your Own Non-Negotiables."
  • 10% off select DISC Services (30-page customized DISC Communications report and 90-minute 1:1 DISC debrief session).

For the price of a Venti White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha, give yourself the gift of peace this holiday season... peace that can change the rest of your life.