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Finding Joy Every Day

#empowerment #flourish #womenempoweringwomen #womeninleadership #womensupportingwomen May 30, 2022

When I started my coaching career, I said I worked with “high performing, mission-minded women.” Of course, I had to explain that to nearly everyone, because it is just too vague. Well, it’s too vague until you meet someone who exemplifies it, that is.  

My guest for podcast episode 88, Sylvia Worsham, is one of those women.

Sylvia is a first generation Mexican American who was raised as an achiever… and boy did she achieve! But she was brought to a screeching halt 10 years ago, and her perspective completely shifted. 

Anyone can have a life-changing moment, but when it’s a life or death crisis, that moment can be pivotal. Her story is both inspiring and relatable, especially to all of us “Type A” women out there who have been striving to prove our worth through the things we accomplish or how we look. I love her expressions of the JOY that is possible when we stop, take a new look, and move forward with a new purpose. 

When you’re given a second chance, it changes you. Some of us can find that pivot point in another major life event, but when it’s YOU… that’s big. It’s like my dad always says “when it’s raining on you, the chance is always 100%.” 

Sylvia’s desire to find joy - every single day - and to completely change her life and career, in order to share how to do that with others is truly inspirational. (You can hear her full story in Episode 88: Finding Joy Every Day.)

One beauty of interviewing unconventional female leaders, is that I get to ask each guest to share a personal leadership principle, and habits that help them stay focused on or true to that principle.  This means we’re building up a fabulous list and I’m going to share that with you later this summer. 

Sylvia is no different, she got where she is by dedicating herself to certain principles and habits that support them. It turns out, Sylvia's are very familiar to me. Let me elaborate.


Sylvia's Leadership Principles: 

Both are from John C. Maxwell’s book The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, a foundational book on personal growth and a perfect place to begin your personal growth journey.  As a matter of fact, I’ve included a link to it below. It’s one I’ve taught as a Mastermind, and walk through with my clients. As a matter of fact, each of the 15 Laws were influential in the development of the Six Tenets of Intentional Optimism.

Here are the two Laws Sylvia cited as the principles that guide her each day.

  • Law of The Rubber Band: Growth Stops When You Lose The Tension Between Where You Are and Where You Could Be.

This one is her favorite, and I can understand why. It’s a favorite of many who teach it. The basic premise is that you need to be aware of, and feel that tension between where you want to be and where you are. This is the motivation you need to set goals and move toward a new place. This awareness propels you into bigger goals and can be the impetus for real growth.

To be clear, though, this isn’t just about “getting out of your comfort zone.” There are ways that we must stretch outside that zone in order to become better, bigger, more mature. However, I think a better explanation is having a deep awareness of your potential, and longing to be there. Long term or short term, the longing is what makes the tension, and gives you the motivation to move.

The second is: 

  • Law of Reflection: Learning to Pause Allows Growth to Catch Up with You.

This is one of MY favorites! I speak often, about reflection, recalibration and evaluated experience, and this is where I learned it. We’ve all had those “lulls” after some amazing growth or achievement, right? Using that time to look back at what you’ve learned allows all of it to truly sink in, to become assimilated and ready to inform your next stage of development. 

I have even developed my own system that I call “The Rhythms of Reflection,” which is what we use in my Membership Community, Launch From The Beach, to lend light structure to how we grow, evaluate and plan more growth. I practice this law on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis. I notoriously get overwhelmed when I’m moving ahead with no understanding of where I’ve been. This practice allows me to stay on target.

I asked Sylvia to share what she thinks are Green Flags you can look for to help you determine your direction - especially if you’re unsure of your next steps.

Her answer? 

Look for times in your life where all the “things” seem to line up. These are examples of where “preparation meets opportunity.” When you can see those in your past journey, you can start to connect the dots and see if there is a trajectory you might be on that you didn’t realize. 

My son loves these intricate dot-to-dot books where the numbers are so small I need a magnifying glass. He, however, tries to figure out the picture before he even connects the dots. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but invariably, about ā…” of the way through, it becomes clear what the picture is, and then he gets excited about finishing it and confirming his suspicions.

You can do this by looking at where you’ve been, where you are, and where you want to go.  All those times that created a “dot” - being in the right place at the right time, with the right connections and the right preparation - are replicable. You can do it again, and again, and again. 

As far as Advice on what to do once you have that information, she offered:

Reflect. When you are in need of motivation, think back to those special times when everything just “magically fell into place.” Armed with those moments, ask yourself questions like:

  • What was the energy like? 
  • What were you thinking? 
  • What were you feeling?
  • What things fill me with joy?
  • How will I find, accomplish or just do more of those things in the future?

Those answers will give you what you need to do it all over again - and find joy each step of the way.

Remember, my friend, preparation is for what is to come.  Everything you do today, is in preparation for Future You. Your journey can be one filled with beauty, fulfillment - and plenty of joy.

You can hear Sylvia’s full story in Episode 88: Finding Joy Every Day

Additionally, Sylvia will join me on the Special Guest Series on Thursday, June 2, 11am EST, live on Facebook and Linkedin. If you miss it, no worries. It will be available on my YouTube Channel.

Where to find Sylvia: LinkedIn: Sylvia Worsham 

Sylvia’s mission is to help professional parents become the best version of themselves, trust and act on their inner wisdom, and integrate their personal and professional lives with joy. She does this through her Joy in the Journey Masterminds, Keynote Addresses, One-on-One Coaching, and Conditioning Programs. She resides in Austin, Texas with her amazing husband and two children.


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